Math Worksheets

Number Grid Puzzles

This page contains links to free math worksheets for Number Grid Puzzles problems. Click one of the buttons below to see all of the worksheets in each set. You can also use the 'Worksheets' menu on the side of this page to find worksheets on other math topics.

Addition and Subtraction with Missing Values (Small)

16 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in missing values (Smaller Numbers).

Addition and Subtraction with Missing Values (Small)
Addition and Subtraction with Missing Values (Small) Number Grid Puzzle

Addition and Subtraction with Missing Values to 100

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math logic puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in missing values with medium sized numbers. Perfect for grades 3 and up.

Addition and Subtraction with Missing Values to 100
Addition and Subtraction with Missing Values to 100 Number Grid Puzzle

Addition and Subtraction with Missing Values (Large)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math logic puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in missing values. These worksheets have larger values for the operands and the sums than the ones above, and are appropriate for 4th grade students comfortable with larger problems.

Addition and Subtraction with Missing Values (Large)
Addition and Subtraction with Missing Values (Large) Number Grid Puzzle

Multiplication and Division with Missing Values Negatives (Small)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in missing numbers with smaller numbers.

Multiplication and Division with Missing Values Negatives (Small)
Multiplication and Division with Missing Values Negatives (Small) Number Grid Puzzle

Multiplication and Division with Missing Operations (Small)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with numbers near 10.

Multiplication and Division with Missing Operations (Small)
Multiplication and Division with Missing Operations (Small) Number Grid Puzzle

Addition and Subtraction with Missing Operations (Medium)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math logic puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with medium sized addends and sums.

Addition and Subtraction with Missing Operations (Medium)
Addition and Subtraction with Missing Operations (Medium) Number Grid Puzzle

Addition and Subtraction with Missing Operations (Large)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math logic puzzle values that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with larger addends and sums.

Addition and Subtraction with Missing Operations (Large)
Addition and Subtraction with Missing Operations (Large) Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations Small Numbers

16 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with small values.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations Small Numbers
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations Small Numbers Number Grid Puzzle

Multiplication and Division logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Medium)

16 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with medium sized numbers.

Multiplication and Division logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Medium)
Multiplication and Division logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Medium) Number Grid Puzzle

Addition and Subtraction Logic Puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large)

16 Number Grid Puzzles

Printable logic puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with larger addends and sums.

Addition and Subtraction Logic Puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large)
Number Grid Puzzle Addition and Subtraction Logic with Missing Values and Operations (Large)

Multiplication and Division with Missing Values (Small)

16 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in missing numbers with values up Small Numbers.

Multiplication and Division with Missing Values (Small)
Multiplication and Division with Missing Values (Small) Number Grid Puzzle

Multiplication and Division with Missing Values (Large)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in missing numbers with larger products and quotients.

Multiplication and Division with Missing Values (Large)
Multiplication and Division with Missing Values (Large) Number Grid Puzzle

Multiplication and Division with Missing Values to 100

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in missing numbers with medium sized numbers.

Multiplication and Division with Missing Values to 100
Multiplication and Division with Missing Values to 100 Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values (Large)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in missing numbers with values. These worksheets have larger values for the operands and the products than the ones above.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values (Large)
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values (Large) Number Grid Puzzle

Multiplication and Division with Missing Values Negatives (Small)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in missing numbers with smaller numbers.

Multiplication and Division with Missing Values Negatives (Small)
Multiplication and Division with Missing Values Negatives (Small) Number Grid Puzzle

Multiplication and Division with Missing Operations (Large)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations in a multiplcation grid puzzle to complete the problems with larger products.

Multiplication and Division with Missing Operations (Large)
Multiplication and Division with Missing Operations (Large) Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Operations (Medium)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with medium sized multiplicands and products.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Operations (Medium)
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Operations (Medium) Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with larger multiplicands and products.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large)
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large) Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations Small Numbers

16 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with small values.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations Small Numbers
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations Small Numbers Number Grid Puzzle

Multiplication and Division logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Medium)

16 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with medium sized numbers.

Multiplication and Division logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Medium)
Multiplication and Division logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Medium) Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with larger multiplicands and products.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large)
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large) Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values (Small)

16 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in missing numbers with values up (smaller numbers).

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values (Small)
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values (Small) Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values to 100

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in missing numbers with medium sized values.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values to 100
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values to 100 Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values (Large)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in missing numbers with values. These worksheets have larger values for the operands and the products than the ones above.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values (Large)
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values (Large) Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values Negatives (Small)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in missing numbers with smaller values.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values Negatives (Small)
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values Negatives (Small) Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Operations (Small)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with values near 10.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Operations (Small)
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Operations (Small) Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Operations (Medium)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with medium sized multiplicands and products.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Operations (Medium)
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Operations (Medium) Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with larger multiplicands and products.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large)
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large) Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations Small Numbers

16 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with small values.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations Small Numbers
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations Small Numbers Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Medium)

16 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with medium sized values.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Medium)
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Medium) Number Grid Puzzle

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large)

12 Number Grid Puzzles

Math puzzle worksheets that require students to fill in operations to complete the problems with larger multiplicands and products.

All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large)
All Operations logic puzzles with Missing Values and Operations (Large) Number Grid Puzzle