Math Worksheets

Worksheet News

One Big Fibber

No, not "fibbing" the way you're thinking... More along the lines of adding up lots of numbers. Around 1202 the fellow to the right, a 13th century Italian mathematician named Leonardo Pisano, produced an interesting book describing in detail how to manipulate numbers in columns, much like the way we learn in school (and here at to perform the basic math operations. Arabic numbers and the concept of place value arithmetic were big steps away from the old Roman numerals, which you can imagine made quite an impact on math and science in general. Leonardo also went by the name Filius Bonacci, which is "Brother of Bonacci" in Latin. If we concatenate the Latin a bit you get Fibonacci, which is the name by which most modern historians refer to our friend. Drawing from Indian sources and running some examples regarding populations of breeding rabbits (apparently big money at the time), Fibonacci documents a series of numbers that are generated by summing the two previous values in a sequence. These days numbers appearing in this sequence are widely known know as the Fibonacci numbers... 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 ... In honor of Fibonacci's contributions to worksheet aficionados world wide, I've extended the number pattern worksheets to include examples of Fibonacci sequences and similar patterns. You can find the new sheets here... Fibonacci Number Pattern Worksheets Ciao!